Dodaj Lotnisko na pulpit

Petrol station

Aviation fuel offered in retail sale for individual and institutional customers is Avgas 100LL and PB 95.


Net Gross
8,10 PLN / litre 9,96 PLN / litre


Net Gross
9,95 PLN / litre 12,24 PLN / litre
Net Gross
/ litre / litre

Available payment methods:

FUEL EXEMPT FROM EXCISE DUTY – credit / debit card, internet money transfer
EXCISE DUTY⁠ FUEL – credit / debit card, internet money transfer
Payment by debit / credit card takes place at the moment of refuelling an aircraft, using the smart payment terminal – a device for refuelling.
It is possible to receive a receipt, a receipt with a NIP (Tax Identification) number or a VAT invoice.
Refuelling is possible during aerodrome working hours from Tuesday to Friday from 9.00 to 15.00.
For the remaining times, it is possible only after prior telephone or e-mail arrangement.
Reporting of refuelling:
Tel.: +48 519 054 331
In order to confirm the availability of fuel, prior contact before planned refuelling is recommended.


Aircraft refuelling at Kąkolewo aerodrome takes place at a designated spot in front of the fuel station using an electronic device – a smart payment terminal.

In order to refuel an aircraft:

  1. Open the shutter of a proper distributor;
  2. Attach the grounding cable;
  3. Select the appropriate distributor on the smart payment terminal;
  4. Confirm the method of payment on the smart payment terminal – a payment card or a fleet card;
  5. In the case of payment by credit card (detailed instructions below):
    • enter identification data on the smart payment terminal,
    • estimate the amount of fuel needed and block the required amount of financial resources in the account,
    • take the fuel nozzle,
    • refuel the aircraft,
    • reposition the fuel nozzle,
    • collect a fiscal receipt confirming the transaction;
  6. In the case of payment by fleet card (detailed instructions below):
    • identify the card on the smart payment terminal by bringing it closer to the reader,
    • take the fuel nozzle,
    • refuel the aircraft,
    • reposition the fuel nozzle,
    • collect a non-fiscal receipt confirming the transaction;
  7. Wind down the fuel hose;
  8. Disconnect and wind down the grounding cable;
  9. Close the distributor shutter.


  1. Select position A-2 – excise duty, from which aviation fuel will be dispensed;
  2. Indicate the intention to refuel using a payment card;
  3. elect the type of document confirming the payment (“Receipt” – if you are refuelling as a natural person/ “Receipt with a NIP (Tax Identification) number” – if you refuelling on behalf of a business entity up to PLN 450/ “Invoice” – if you refuelling on behalf of a business entity over PLN 450);
  4. Enter the identification data of the registered business activity (with the option “Receipt with a NIP (Tax Identification) number” or “Invoice”);
  5. Use the buttons on the smart payment terminal to enter the amount you want to spend on refuelling (the funds will be blocked in the account; if you do not use them, all the difference will be refunded);
  6. Confirm the correctness of the data appearing on the screen, bring the payment card closer to the reader and enter the PIN code;
  7. Within 3 minutes, take the fuel nozzle from the appropriate distributor and start refuelling (in case of resignation to refuel, press the “STOP” button. The distributor will automatically stop dispensing fuel when the selected amount is reached);
  8. Once refuelling is complete, reposition the fuel nozzle in the place from which it was taken (Note: after repositioning the nozzle, it is not possible to continue refuelling without carrying out the payment process again);
  9. Collect a receipt or invoice with the details confirming the transaction.


  1. Select the option from which aviation fuel will be dispensed (A-2 – excise duty, B-2 – without excise duty);
  2. Indicate the intention to refuel using a fleet card;
  3. Bring the correct identification card /key ring closer to the reader (the system may require two-step identification);
  4. Confirm the correctness of the data appearing on the screen;
  5. Within 3 minutes, take the fuel nozzle from the appropriate distributor and start refuelling (in case of resignation to refuel, press the “STOP” button);
  6. Once refuelling is complete, reposition the fuel nozzle in the place from which it was taken (Note: after repositioning the nozzle, it is not possible to continue refuelling without carrying out the payment process again);
  7. If necessary, collect a printout containing data related to the refuelling process.


  1. The owner of the fuel station is Poznan Wanda Modlibowska Aero Club;
  2. The fuel station is intended exclusively for the direct refuelling of tanks mounted on aircraft and mobile tanks, specially adapted for the storage of aviation fuel;
  3. It is forbidden to use the fuel station during an ongoing storm and during heavy rain;
  4. The following is prohibited in the vicinity of the fuel station: smoking cigarettes and all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, using open fire, positioning an aircraft in such a way as to hinder efficient evacuation from the fire risk zone, leaving an aircraft unattended after it has been refuelled.
  5. Before refuelling an aircraft with aviation fuel, it must brought to a standstill in the designated area, its engine and electrical power supply must be switched off, making sure that it does not move by itself, all persons on board must leave an aircraft;
  6. Before refuelling, a steel grounding cable must be attached to an aircraft or mobile tank;
  7. During the entire refuelling process, the refuelling instructions must be followed;
  8. The decision to check the quality of aviation fuel for water or other contaminants is taken by the refueller. After pouring a small amount of fuel into the bowl and its positive assessment, without repositioning the fuel nozzle, start pouring fuel into the tank;
  9. The refueller is forbidden to move away from the fuel station during the entire refuelling process;
  10. In the event of a dangerous or uncertain situation, stop refuelling and, if necessary, cut off the entire electrical power supply of the fuel station using the safety switches located at the distributors;
  11. It is forbidden to leave the pump of the distributor running in the closed circuit mode for more than 1 minute;
  12. After completing the refuelling process, the components of the fuel station equipment should be restored to their original state. Specifically, the distribution hose should be wound down, the fuel nozzle should be repositioned on the distributor, and the grounding cable should be detached and wound down;
  13. All observed damage and irregularities in the functioning of the fuel station should be immediately reported to its owner;
  14. The owner has the right to suspend the sale and distribution of aviation fuel from the fuel station until its full efficiency has been restored.