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A mile of highway will take you just one mile…
But a mile of runway will take you anywhere.
Established 50 years ago, the aerodrome in Kąkolewo is regaining its splendour. The former military base of the "Cold War" period is being transformed into a modern specialised training centre for pilots, aviation mechanics and air traffic controllers. Intensive work is underway on the construction of modern infrastructure in Kąkolewo that will encompass the centre of modern technologies in aviation and the centre for aerospace research.
Aeroport is a certified entity authorised to manage a public aerodrome with limited certification.
Our enterprise was founded in 2015, and its main shareholders are Poznan Aero Club and Poznan University of Technology.
In 2019, Aeroport carried out the certification process of the aerodrome in Kąkolewo. The aerodrome with the ICAO code: EPPG was entered into the register of public aerodromes by the decision of the President of the Civil Aviation Authority.
The aerodrome in Kąkolewo combines several functions. On the one hand, as a public aerodrome, it operates General Aviation air traffic and exercises operational supervision over training and sports activities. On the other hand, it acts as a centre of field work in the area of testing new technologies in aviation.
The participants and, at the same time, partners of this specific "research cluster " under the general name "Kąkolewo Project" are both research and higher education institutions, a government agency as well as entities focused on training and sports activities.
Kąkolewo aerodrome was established in the 1960s by the decision of the Minister of National Defence as a military aerodrome, first as a diversion aerodrome for the 45th Fighter Squadron in Babimost, and then for the 62nd Fighter Squadron in Krzesiny. The aerodrome also secured the operation of other air units, including Wrocław (Wrocław-Strachowice) and Sochaczew (Bielice).